Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Purpose and Meaning of Life

God created purpose for everything in Creation. In fact God's purpose is the only true purpose anything truly has. Meaning is then the purpose of life.

We are beings, but within the world of duality the persona attracts purpose from being. Hence forth, purpose becomes some form of action, in which meaning becomes value added. As beings one can be anything they choose. It is not mysterious , but we are created in the likeness of the Creator. In the most generic since God is Spirit and Spirit created us in that “likeness or image”. Spirit and being are one and the same. Now the true meaning of what the Christians call salvation, or what the eastern religions call enlightenment is that freedom of choose purpose (duality) that God gave us.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hello Again

Just want to say hello after a long absence. I have been busy with life. I have a family and a full time job. You would like to think that after reading and mainly understanding some really deep spiritual material, my life would be under control. The truth is that I needed to understand that I am still only human. My vanity would have me believe that my education would make me an instant master over life. Well here I write this with a multitude of worries, and stresses. I have perceived issues in my life. What I know is true is that I am still here. I have come through rough times before (many many). There is a lot going on in our lives. If you have not heard there is a financial crisis. Well I am having my own financial crisis as well. To get me through this crisis I think I am going to need to not take myself so seriously. I would ask that you do not look at the world so seriously as well. My/our problems are due to an over reliance on ourselves. We think we can control life, and its outcomes. I am understanding the truth is that we have very little control over anything. Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, have been called according to his purpose". I surrender and rededicate my life unto you God. With this acceptance I see I do nothing on my own. The Universe and my life are in your hands and not mine. I ask,,, what would you have me to God? I tried to control my life and it has not worked the way I would have wanted it to. Strengthen my faith, and give me wisdom to see the dark illusions of the world are no problem at all. With the understanding that you always have my/our best intentions at hand. I surrender full control of your creation lord, and ask that you to prompt me when to do will. I am but your servant.